Preiselbeerjus I Karamellisiertes Kürbisgemüse I Kartoffelklöße
29,90 €
Gänsekeule 2) 3) 5) o)
Beifußjus | Rotkohl | Klöße
29,90 €
Entenbrust Rosa
Preiselbeerjus I Gelbe Bete I Kartoffelstock
32,90 €
Gebackene Apfelringe mit Vanillesauce
5,90 €
Additives: 2) with preservative agents 3) contains antioxidants 5) sulphurated 7) contains phosphate 16) contains a type of sugar and artificial sweetener
Allergens: a) cereals and products which contain gluten a.1) wheat and products thereof c) eggs and products thereof f) soya and products thereof l) celery and products thereof m) mustard and products thereof o) sulphur dioxide and sulphites > 10 mg/kg, > 10 mg/l as SO2